Sunday, December 29, 2019

Persuasive Essay On Homelessness - 783 Words

The homeless are a growing group in our state, nation, and even worldwide. California is one of the states with the highest homeless population; about one-third of the nation’s homeless population resides in the state. The United States homeless population is over half a million people, about 0.5% of its population. The worldwide homeless is even more staggering, around 100 million people are living on little to nothing. The majority of people categorized under being homeless are mentally ill. Mental illnesses are a driving factor in homelessness, and the issue needs to be addressed more, and not brushed off with the age-old statement â€Å"they chose to be homeless with their actions†. Around 23% of the homeless are diagnosed with some†¦show more content†¦Veterans make up a significant portion of the homeless mentally ill. Veterans usually suffer from PTSD and substance abuse, something that is left untreated or undertreated by doctors. This ‘great†™ nation of ours has no respect for the people who risked their lives for their country, something that we glorify for all the wrong reasons. The programs set to help these citizens are not helping much at all; for example, the Grant and Per Diem Program can only sponsor 8,000 homeless veterans. The other subprograms do not meet the current immediate need either: the long-term aid is not sufficient enough to help them out of homelessness, and the compensated work therapy program obviously does not function. If the government is not taking any actions to help out homeless veterans, what can society possibly do to help? The National Coalition for Homeless Veterans only aids 23% of homeless veterans (, and that group is government funded. More programs that are efficient have to be set by the government if we wish to right the wrongs in our country. Another demographic that mixes more minorities is the LGBT community. Within the community, there is an estimated 33% of LGBT youths that suffer from a mental illness and 30% that are homeless (Sam P.K. Collins). It is said that because of the youth’s exposure to â€Å"difficult life circumstances - combined with living in a shelter - homeless children are at a much greater risk of developmentalShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Homelessness1698 Words   |  7 PagesBriana Williams Ms. Milliner EES22QH-01 June 1, 2017 Solution Essay Throughout New York or even the United States, there are many people who are homeless and without jobs to help them survive. Many mothers and fathers are struggling to keep their homes while others are already out in New York streets trying to seek help. Those who are already on the streets are seeking charity from others as the walk by them. And to stopRead MorePersuasive Essay On Homelessness1074 Words   |  5 PagesAstonishingly, 564,708 people are currently homeless in the United States, according to Social Solutions (Social Solutions, 2016). The topic, â€Å"Living Poor,† has only become much more apparent in the news and in everyday life. Two essays, On Compassion by Barbara Lazear Ascher and On Dumpster Diving by Lars Eighner, can be evaluated as discussing two different aspects of the homeless situation in America. After close reading, On Compassion more effectively achieves its purpose of defining compassionRead MorePersuasive Essay About Homelessness 1126 Words   |  5 Pagesfor cash. For the rest of the day, you sit in the city hoping people will notice you and help out. Knowing that you are not judged by who you are but what you are, you realize that most people in society don t understand homelessness, and wonder if the circumstances in homelessness will ever change. Being homeless is a shock to many. It depicts someone just like us that lack the minimum necessities that we take for granted. According to statistics of a particular day in 2016, 549,928 people were homelessRead MoreEssay about Persuasive Speech: We Must Fight Homelessness 972 Words   |  4 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Specific Purpose:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To persuade my audience to help fight homelessness   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Central Idea:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  With more help for the homeless we can make America better for everyone   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Attention   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I. Imagine for a moment that youre not in this classroom. A. Instead your outside, but you not walking to class or your dorm, your living there.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  B. Imagine for a moment that you yourself are homeless.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. You have no shelter   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2. When itRead MoreAnalysis Of The Box Man1242 Words   |  5 PagesHumanity of the Homeless The Box Man is an essay written by Barbara Ascher that addresses and criticizes how American society does not give homeless people the respect they deserve. In the essay, Ascher describes a night of the life of an average homeless man. Ascher accomplishes this by using her character the Box Man to represent the homeless people of America and to display how society sees the homeless. Barbara Ascher’s The Box Man utilizes thoughtfully chosen diction, preciseRead MorePersuasive Essay : The Negative Effects Of Gentrification : Causes And Crimes958 Words   |  4 PagesFelicia Anane English Composition 1 Persuasive Essay 12 October 2017 Effects of Gentrification Dear Editor: Some people attracted to living a long time in their communities. As a youth, I’m scared to see one day our cities will be full of homeless people, armed robbers, jobless citizen etc. All this is in the name of gentrification. Gentrification is the way of renovating and improving property values but often displacing low-income families and small business. After the renovationRead MoreDuring The Last Couple Of Years, Chicago Public Schools1795 Words   |  8 Pagesof students at the lowest-performing elementary schools failed to meet standards on state exams. More than 20 percent of these students scored in the lowest category in reading, meaning they have a difficult time determining the main idea of a persuasive essay or the plot of a short story†¦Students at Chicago’s lowest-performing high schools drop out at nearly 12 times the rate of average Illinois students – 36 percent compared to 3 percent, respectively† (â€Å"Trapped in Chicag o’s Worst Schools: EducationRead MoreBoyer Dbq Teacher Guide10764 Words   |  44 PagesTeachers’ Guide This guide is intended to suggest some possible ways that students may organize essays related to the document-based questions in the Advanced Placement version of The Enduring Vision, 6th Edition, and to provide teachers with some information on each included document. The suggestions certainly do not exhaust the possibilities; students, no doubt, will create other valid and persuasive organizational patterns and document applications. Here, the documents are discussed in order toRead MoreEssay about History: World War I and Bold Experiments7600 Words   |  31 PagesThematic Timeline and Essay for Part 5 from America’s History, exercises to review your knowledge of the period, and AP-style questions that address the time period covered: 15 practice multiple-choice questions, 1 document-based question, and 3 free-response questions. Answers with page references to America’s History can be found at the end. Broward 115 116 F PART 5 Bold Experiments in an Era of Industrialization, 1877–1929 thematic timeline and Part Essay Bold Experiments inRead MoreMarketing Plan for Entrepreneur10970 Words   |  44 Pagesinvolves providing information about products, services, or about important issues. For example, the government provides information about the dangers of cigarette smoking, which is an example of informative advertising. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

First Response Journal Of Human History - 1042 Words

First Response Journal During the early twentieth century, a space never recognized before was discovered. Once this space was explored, it would be found to contain a vast number of valuables. So many, that they would be reaped for centuries to come. This discovery, changed the course of human history by changing how we view ourselves. However, this discovery was not made in the jungle by sweaty men in khaki, who hacked away vines with machete and muscle. Nor are was the cave made of limestone and full of gold, diamonds or oil. Unbelievably, the location was not of this physical world at all, instead it was hidden above the noses of all of mankind. This space was the unconscious part of the human mind. The explorers who made this†¦show more content†¦With researchers noting that Freuds theory â€Å"has a lot to offer to modern theories of consciousness and that insights from Freudian theory are relevant to modern day concepts of consciousness in cognitive neuroscience.† (De Sousa, 2011). P ersonally, in all my counseling theory classes, the importance of transference and countertransference was highly emphasized. Sigmund Freud believed dreams to be the royal road to the unconscious and I’ve come to agree with this based on personal experience. Sigmund Freud saw the mind as an iceberg mostly submerged in water. The tip of this iceberg represented the conscious part of the ego and a small portion of the super-ego. While everything below the water was, unconscious including the Id and the rest of the super-ego. Freud believed that within the frozen core of this solitary iceberg were wishes so disgusting, horrifying and painful that they had to be repressed by the practical ego and pious superego for their own safety. However, these wishes were important to the id, our most primal and instinctive part of the psyche. These wishes while vile to the ego, are still necessary to be a whole person. However, the iceberg only allowed these vile wishes to ascend when the pressure was lowed from the higher functions. Freud saw that sleep as the moment of lowed pressure on the Id. This was due lowere d ego defenses during times of rest. However, these defenses functioned enough to disguise the wishes somewhat though the process ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on Understanding Consciousness1728 Words   |  7 PagesUnderstanding Consciousness This paper encompasses an analysis of physiological psychology, the relationship between the human nervous system and behavior, and an evaluation of historical figures in the field of physiological psychology The Biopsychological Approach to Understanding Consciousness The process of understanding awareness can be complex. Understanding that there are different spectrums of consciousness and that each type represents different principles is the best approach to understandingRead MoreClassic Behavioristic Principles of Psychology Developed by B.F. Skinner1372 Words   |  6 Pagescontributed to â€Å"human and nonhuman behavior, including human behavioral development, and to various segments of the life span, including human infancy† (p. 1411). 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These events and many more have advanced the field of psychology, yet I found two other even ts in psychology history that caughtRead MoreBetty Neumans Systems Model918 Words   |  4 Pagesdescribed as a combination of both an art and a science because not only does it include natural and human sciences such as biology and psychology, but it also has the ability to morally guide nursing practice and form trusting relationships. With both aspects of art and science being incorporated into nursing, it allows for the focus to be concentrated on the wholeness of an individual. Throughout history, several nursing theorists have developed unique system models in order to provide a framework thatRead MoreThe Ethics of Drug Use and Drug Abuse1579 Words   |  6 Pagesbeliefs, judgments, and values. Drug or substance use and abuse have been a controversial and heated topic around the world for centuries. Drug abuse, in a way, is a facet of human culture that has been present for a great deal of human history in general. Every culture handles the issue of drug abuse differently. The history of how a society views persons with addictions is intermeshed with emotion, misperceptions, and prejudice that directly affects the care of drug abusers. This is a kind of awarenessRead MoreKurt Wundt s Theory Of Psychology966 Words   |  4 PagesTheories and schools of thought gave way to opposing views and new schools. Wilhelm Wundt was the father of experimental psychology. Wundt was responsible for psychology becoming a formal academic regimen, created the first psychology laboratory, and edited the first psychology journal. Wundtian psychology’s subject matter would be â€Å"sensation and perception, attention, feeling, reaction, and association† (Schultz, 2012, p.67). 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I searched up some facts about how abortions can hurt you in The killing of an human was doing no wrong is a horrible act, even if that human being has yet to be born. Unborn babies are considered human or soon to be humans by the government and people who actually cares about humans. The federal Unborn Victims

Friday, December 13, 2019

Eagle Airlines Free Essays

[pic] Eagle Airlines Business Decisions with Data Models Assignment on Risk Analysis Team Members: Sfykti Dimitra Goumas Evangelos Manikas Athanasios Papaspirou Yiannis As assigned by Mr. Hadjistelios, President of Eagle Airlines, a simulation analysis is developed in order to evaluate company’s intention to proceed with the purchase of a new aircraft. According to the President’s estimations, the uncertain parameters which affect the annual cash flow are the below; 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Eagle Airlines or any similar topic only for you Order Now Hours flown 2. Charter Price/Hour 3. Ticket Price/Hour 4. Capacity of Scheduled flights 5. Ratio of charter flights 6. Operating Cost/hour The main assumption to work upon the scenarios is that the numbers generated for the different variables remain the same across the years. Initially, a base scenario is built and a profit-and-loss account for a typical year of operation is derived using the most likely values of the different parameters. Upon construction of the base scenario, the optimistic and pessimistic scenarios are also formulated in accordance to the assumptions by the President in respect to possible variations to higher and lower values than the most likely ones used for the base scenario. For all three scenarios, the demand/cash flow is calculated revealing a wide range of values (from â‚ ¬273. 180 to -â‚ ¬39. 040) among the 3 possible cash flows. In addition, the one-way sensitivity analysis conducted for all six uncertain parameters demonstrate the impact of each parameter on annual cash flow and by the designation of a scatter plot, we can identify to what range of values every uncertain parameter affects the demand. Upon that, a Tornado diagram is plotted in order to visually demonstrate the range of impact of each parameter. According to the diagram, ticket prices/hour and capacity of Scheduled flights seem to be the two important parameters that most influence the annual cash flow, whereas the ratio of charted flights and operating cost/hour are the ones affect the least. Following this determination, a two-way sensitivity analysis is implemented and the outputs shown in a 3D plot illustrate a one-level relationship between the variables. By assuming that the probability distributions are the ones assessed by Mr. Hadjistelios, a test scenario is run using the @RISK add-in with 50. 00 iterations and the results’ interpretation is described below. Interpretation of results The basic data and the main decision factors to be taken into consideration by the President are raised below in order to provide substantial argumentation for the final business decision. ? According to the given data, the annual cash flow of the base scenario is â‚ ¬46. 184, less than the breakeven point by â‚ ¬7. 513. Th erefore, in case the base scenario will actually happen, the company will need more than a 5-year lifetime in order to pay out the investment of the new aero plane. In the optimistic scenario, the annual cash flow is â‚ ¬273. 180 and the difference from the breakeven point is â‚ ¬219. 483. According to this scenario, the investment is highly profitable and will be paid off by the end of the first year while a number of approximately â‚ ¬93. 180 profits will be generated. ? In the pessimistic scenario, the annual cash flow is – â‚ ¬39. 040 and the difference from the breakeven point is â‚ ¬92. 737. , which is a bad scenario but at the same time quite unlikely to happen. According to @RISK analysis, as illustrated in the figure below, some important observations are derived; [pic] The probability that the investment will be profitable within a 5-year lifetime is 73. 4%, meaning that the annual cash flow will be greater than the breakeven point of â‚ ¬53. 697. ? The probability the annual cash flow to be less than the breakeven point is 26. 6%, as presented in the graph above. ? However, it is important to refer that the same probability (26. 6%) applies for the company to generate cash over â‚ ¬96. 511. The above implies the fact that if in one year the cash flow is below breakeven point, this under the same probability can be offset by another year’s revenues. [pic] According to the normal probability distribution, the expected value (mean) is approximately â‚ ¬77. 342 that actually is translated into a â‚ ¬23. 645 return on investment. ? A probability over 50% that the company will generate cash flow of at least â‚ ¬74. 467 (median) which represents the 40% of the aeroplane current value. ? However, another important statistical parameter to be taken into account is the standard deviation of â‚ ¬35. 257 that describes a quite wide dispersion/variability of the probability distribution. ? If we do not take into con sideration the discount rate of 15%, then the breakeven point will be 36. 00 (180. 000/5) and the probability of the investment to be profitable is 89%. ? In case the company self-funds the purchase out of the cash surplus of the company, the investment seems to be less risky since potential deviation from the breakeven point does not imply financial obligations to third parties, such as banks (loans and interest rates). [pic] ? The probability that the investment will be paid off already by the end of the first year is 0. 7% while the probability that the company will generate negative values by the end of the first year is 0. % which seems a quite extreme case, with a smallest value of -â‚ ¬22. 642. [pic] ? However, it should be considered that the company operates a number of business parts and it is being taxed for the total activities as a whole, thus with a tax rate of 33% the actual loss will be â‚ ¬22. 642 * 0. 67 =â‚ ¬15. 170, with the assumption that the company i s profitable overall. Another important factor to consider is the operations’ expansions by 33% with the purchase of one additional aircraft to the current equipment of the three twin – engine aircrafts which provide charter flights and scheduled commuter services. The company may redefine the strategy and decide to add new destinations in the services, currently limited to south Balkans, so as under the promising prospects analysed above, to further strengthen the company’s brand name and grow the Share of Market (SoM). The above can be well justified considering both cases of charter and scheduled flights. On the one hand, in respect to charter flights the company seems to have already identified available ground to grow by further building on the level of service. On the other hand, the scheduled flights, currently holding a percentage of 60%, represent the variable that mostly affects the cash flow, according to Tornado diagram. This in combination with the fact that the company â€Å"had slightly more control over the ticket price per/hour of scheduled flights† demonstrates a high future development potential with a thorough strategy. The critical service category in the context of the new investment risk analysis for Eagle airlines to analyze is Scheduled flights. Ticket prices/hour and capacity of Scheduled flights, the two most important and correlated variables, should be in depth evaluated according to the most likely possible estimations. For example, according to the data given, the variability for the price per ticket is greater in the higher values than the lowest ones. However, the actual price per ticket is highly correlated to the capacity/utilization rate and the flight hours. The base scenario argues for good prospects, but a deeper analysis could identify opportunities that Eagle airlines should closely monitor and evaluate in order to maximize its profits. It is important also to refer that according to the estimations, there is no high variability of the operating costs compared to the expected value of â‚ ¬445/hour (only â‚ ¬15 in either direction). Some important facts are given also throughout the case providing additional argumentation over the purchase; Piper Chieftain has been maintained according to the legislations and regulatory environment, is in a good condition and the expected normal use is 5 years with possibilities for more, contains the necessary navigation and communication equipment, and insurance has been included in the fixed costs. The above, in case were unknown, would be important cost factors to analyze and include in the risk analysis assessment. The above analysis argues the business decision to proceed with the investment in the Piper Chieftain, having calculating and evaluating the risks involved while recognising the opportunities. How to cite Eagle Airlines, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Fraser River Gold Rush of 1858 free essay sample

I live in Fort Victoria. The region changed awfully with the Fraser River  . gold rush of 1858. In that year, as many as 30,000 people arrived in the region. Therefor, the population of Fort Victoria rose. There was such an entrance of people, in fact, the Britain established the colony of  British Columbia  on the mainland, in order to strengthen its control over the area. The gold rush brought With it, different people of many ethnic backgrounds. For example, like Hispanic and Chinese. People came from the United States and from other parts of British North America. Until the gold rush of 1858, fur trading had been the dominant industry, controlled by the Hudson Bay Company. With the rush, gold mining  became the absolute economic activity. Coal mining, as well as forestry and fishing, also emerged during this period, but none rivalled gold in importance. The period of prosperity was short-lived. By the mid-1860s the gold rush had collapsed, sinking British Columbia into a painful trouble. We will write a custom essay sample on The Fraser River Gold Rush of 1858 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The British Colonies were interested in forming a Federal Union or a Confederation. Although not all colonies wanted to do so. While Canada and the Maritime provinces were negotiating Confederation in the mid 1860s, British Columbia and Vancouver Island were consider a union of their own. In this time of trouble that followed the gold rush, separate colonial administrations was a wrong financial burden. The union of the two colonies became official in 1866. In 1867, the reformers convinced the governer to allow British Columbia into Confederation. But a major catch was the thousands of kilometres of HBC-owned land separating British Columbia from Canada. That land, known as  Ruperts Land and the North-west Territories. , would have to be accomplished before Canada could stretch from sea to sea. In May of 1868 De Cosmos helped to found the  Confederation Legue. In July 1868, the Canadian government had passed the  Ruperts Land Act. This was to purchase all land that belonged to HBC. With this purchase Canada controlled territory all the way to the Pacific Ocean. So basically, I support confederation because simply put, It brought all the colonies together and also formed a law biding government. By: Khadheeja Sally

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Internet Change Our Life free essay sample

This is how, sometimes, some people fall prey of some sort an online dating sites from which encounters can be as dangerous as criminals. In Fact, just as practically in any aspect of life, there are folks out there who will use the internet as their primary means of getting new acquaintances. However, some of these new acquaintances can be potentially dangerous. The internet is considered to be a venue through which people otherwise extraordinary reserved and diverse may communicate with convenience. The idea of meeting people on the internet as correspondents is very fascinating and easy; however, discerning any real information about these new acquaintances is difficult, just not to say close to impossible. Now that most people can just sign up into a website and meet people off the internet, what are some of the dangers associated with meeting people electronically? Whether people have decided to meet other people through the use of commercial dial-up services, commercial or free chat lines, Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels, online dating services, newsgroup , or in any other electronic way, people still should be aware of the possible dangers of interaction when conversations turn into personal directions . We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Change Our Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Section 1: my web research What have I learnt so far? So I learnt that it requires lot of concentration and peace in the mind before a writer or a researcher can actually come with the final research question. Even though it may sound easy, the search for our research question requires attention to details. Now that I came with my research question, I have a better sense of getting things done when I stay focus, but even better, I have a better sense of what I do not know and that I need to know in order to be successful in my final research paper. I also learnt that the web is our best friend when it comes to start a research paper, however, the information provided can be overloaded, so we need to be careful on what we choose to scan or read also we need to be aware of the malicious sites that are standing out there just to get us trapped. One other thing that I also learnt is that we are our own limits; we set the limits to ourselves. The information we, most of the tine, need is all there. We just need to harness ourselves with a strong desire and go after it. Finally, starting my research paper has given me a greater sense of can do attitude and a better understanding of how to get started and how to get ahead when things seem to be nowhere to be reached. Did I stumble? You bet I did, but what I stumbled upon was a means to get me stronger and a means that impacted me with a greater sense of awareness of what is available to me and how I can make use of available so I can conduct a research question more efficiently and effectively. I have used the following resources: 1) http://star. xstate. edu/node/524, 2) http://www. police. ufl. edu/community-services/potential-dangers-encountered-on-the-internet/ and 3) Virtually You, a book by Elias Aboujaoude. Section 2: my news research The news source seem to present major obstacles, but with a willingness to get what I wanted I was able to find an appropriate article that is of major concerns of my topic research question. I navigated through a series of news sources, but the Los Angeles Times was the one that provided me with what I was looking for. How can I actually describe what I have learnt from the Los Angeles Times? I have learnt a great deal of information on how to obtain related information about my research topic question using the Los Angeles Times. I just had to play with some of the key words from my Topic research question before I get to the intelligence that I wanted, but the bottom line is I got to it. When I was looking for something very specific to my subject, the Los Angeles Times was very beneficial for me in that aspect. So, this particular article is from the Los Angeles Times http://www. latimes. com/business/la-fi-obama-hacking-20130314,0,2583428. story . I will make use of this article to gather up intelligence to furnish my research question. Final Section: Assessment of appropriateness of sources for use in my final paper As I mentioned in the previous paragraphs, I found so many sources for my topic research question. I was able to read through them all and I found out that at least three of these sources could potentially be of sufficient quality to be part of my final paper. First of all this site talk about my topic â€Å"http://star. txstate. edu/node/524† great source for input in my subject; also the site â€Å"http://www. police. ufl. edu/community-services/potential-dangers-encountered-on-the-internet/† is major source of intelligence related to my subject and finally the news source â€Å" The Los Angeles Times† is of major importance when it comes to my subject, because this articles addressed a major cyber-attack that happened recently. All in all, using these source, I can firly state that I am in good standing for my final paper.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Promissory estoppel is a controversial exception Essay Example

Promissory estoppel is a controversial exception Essay Example Promissory estoppel is a controversial exception Essay Promissory estoppel is a controversial exception Essay Essay Topic: Controversial There are three exclusions to the regulation inPinnel’s instance. They are composite understanding, payment of debt by 3rd party and promissory estoppel. The regulation inPinnel’s instance ( 1602 ) 5 CoRep117ais that portion payment of debt is non good consideration to waive the balance. Thus the creditor may action for the staying debt unless there is fresh consideration. Promissory estoppel like proprietary estoppel is popular types of just estoppel. The importance of just estoppel was stated inCrabb V. Arun DC ( 1976 ) 1 Ch 179that â€Å"equity comes in †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. to extenuate the cogency of rigorous jurisprudence †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ . it prevents a individual from take a firm standing on his rigorous legal rights †¦ . when it would be unjust for him to make so holding respects to the traffics which has taken topographic point between the parties† . An illustration of promissory estoppel is where A promises B that he would non implement his legal rights and B acted and relied on it without giving any consideration, equity would non let A to renegue on on his promise to B. The modern construct of promissory estoppel was developed in the instances ofCardinal London Property trust Ltd V. High Tree House Ltd. ( 1974 ) 1 KB 130andEntire Metal Manufacturing Ltd V. Tungsten Electric Co Ltd. ( 1955 ) 1 WLR 761. Promissory estoppel differs from common jurisprudence estoppel because it has less rigorous demands and it may originate from promise of future behavior or purpose. Promissory estoppel is traceable toHughes V. Metropolitan Railway( 1877 ) 2 App Case 439. Here the landlord gave his tenant 6 months to mend the belongings else hazard forfeiture. Within the 6 months, dialogue for the sale of the rental was opened between landlord and renter. The dialogue failed after 6 months and the renter failed to mend. The landlord sought to implement forfeiture. It was held that the landlord had led the renter by his behavior to believe that the landlord would non implement forfeiture. InHigh Tree House Ltd instance,the landlord promised to have from the tenant half of the land rent because of the trouble of happening renters during wartime period. After the war, the flats became occupied and the landlord sued for outstanding arrears during the wartime. The tribunal germinating the rule of promissory estoppel held that the landlord was non entitled to the arrears rent of the wartime period. Promissory estoppel occurs when there is a contractual relationship between parties. Like when there is a legal relationship between the promisee and the promiser. It remains unsettled whether promissory estoppel may originate in pre-contractual relationships. However, Lord Denning inBrinkom Investments Ltd V. Carr ( 1979 ) Calciumwas of the position that promissory estoppel may originate from promise made by parties negociating contracts. Similar positions was expressed in Durham Fancy Goods V. Michael Jackson ( 1969 ) 2 QB 839 where Donaldson J. held that contractual relationship is irrelevant provided that there is â€Å"a preexistent legal relationship which could, in certain fortunes, give rise to liabilities and penalties† . The first demand of promissory estoppel is that the promiser must give clear and unambiguous statement that he does non mean to implement his legal rights. The promise may be express or implied. The 2nd demand is that promisee must hold acted on that promise made by the promiser. Promissory estoppel frequently originate where promisee in trust on that promise suffered hurt as inAjayi V. Briscoe ( 1964 ) 1 WLR 1326; or where he alters his place as a consequence of trusting on that promise when though he suffers no hurt. InAlan Co. Ltd V El Nasr A ; Import Co. ( 1972 ) 2QB 18, Lord Denningheld that hurt is non an indispensable component of promissory estoppel. Therefore, for a supplication of promissory estoppel to win, there must be a alteration in fortunes of the promisee. The 3rd demand of promissory estoppel is that it would be unjust for the promiser to renegue on on his promise and claim his rigorous legal rights after the promisee had relied on it. The 4th demand of promissory estoppel is that it can non non be enforce against the promissor. Thus it can be used merely as a defense mechanism and therefore can non be used as a blade. In Combe V. Combe ( 1951 ) CA, the tribunal held that promissory estoppel does non make a cause of action and as such the demand of consideration in formation of contract is still relevant. Promissory estoppel is a regulation of grounds that prevents the promissor from denying the truth of statement which the promisee had relied. However, this demand seemed changed in visible radiation of the determinations inRe Wyven Developments ( 1974 ) 1 WLR 1097andEvenden V. Guildford City AFC ( 1975 )QB 917, here the tribunals held â€Å"that promissory estoppel can be a cause of action† . The tribunals use an nonsubjective trial to find whether it was sensible to trust on a promise. Thus certain promises like menaces would non amount to promissory estoppel where tribunal decides that trust on it was unequal. Furthermore, if the promisee did non trust on the promise, there would be valid statement that it was non unjust for the promiser to travel back on his promise. Promissory estoppel may for good snuff out the rights of the promissor to claim ball amount after part-payment. InD A ; C Builders v Rees ( 1965 ) 2QB 617,Lord Denningexpressed that the â€Å"promissor would non be allowed to return to his rigorous legal rights and that the promissory estoppel will be concluding if promisee understood the promise to intend concluding extinction of promissors’ rights rigorous legal rights† . However, for periodic payment promissory estoppel simply suspends the right of the promissor to the debt until such clip when it becomes just to claim the balance. Therefore, in periodic payments, promissory estoppel may snuff out the right of the promissor to claim payment for the suspended period but can do claim for subsequent periods after giving sensible notice or when the fortunes that gave rise to the fortunes alterations. InEntire Metal instance, the tribunal held that â€Å"on giving sensible notice to the other party, revert to their legal entitlement to have the compensation payments†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reflection paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 12

Reflection paper - Essay Example Utilitarianism also points out the idea that the good thing to do is to maximize individual ability for making the whole world a better place. Therefore, impartiality proves to be appropriate in order to maximize pleasures. Utilitarianism also eliminates the idea of moral dilemma for as long as majority is happy on a certain action, then it is absolutely the right thing to do. A â€Å"Pokerface† could mean a person who is not honest about his real emotion or feeling and hiding it may be the best option so that nobody could know about it. Pokerface was coined from an actual poker card play, by which each opponent would not want to show a real expression of their face to others so that any hint about what cards they are holding may not be detected. This paragraph depicts the idea about deception which would be made possible if the girl would be able to successfully hide her real intention of deceiving the man. Achieving it seems would what make the girl happy. Wearing pokerface based on the song would maximize the girl’s pleasure. Based on utilitarianism, from the point of view of the girl, there would be no any moral dilemma, for as long as her move maximizes her happiness. However, from the perspective of the man who has been deceived, that might not ensure maximizing his happiness. For this reason, for as long as there is no majority who got the maximum pleasure, then utilitarianism would fail to tell us what is good or bad, but what is right would always mean subjective at this point. Applying this in the general context, we know for sure that the majority always has the authority over the minority if there would be maximum happiness generated by the former. However, provided that the minority has something more important point compared to the majority, up to what extent then does the latter hold over the former? Does following the majority would still ensure

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Position Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Position Paper 2 - Essay Example Therefore, it keeps friends and relatives abreast of the happenings in college through the same. The classroom is an area in which social media has a significant impact besides being the core of the higher education experience. According to Kist (2009, p.218), the Pearson Social Media Survey indicated that the lecturers use social media to some extent in their courses. One may employ social media in a classroom setting in various aspects as explained below. Marquis says that social media is majorly used in the classroom as a channel for communication between the instructor and the student. This is true and the link may be created using Facebook whereby the instructor or lecturer posts course syllabus and assignments and can even take attendance. The World Wide Web complements the lecturers’ information that students get. The internet is where students can get in touch with other learners, experts and experiences in the real world, which an individual teacher may not match. A teacher can provide additional insights by using the web to connect students to others. In addition, the teacher may express alternative points of view via the internet. This is the best way to engage students in a much deeper level with the content of the course. Often, teachers assign students work that require them to research from books and other sources to get the required information. With the internet, students can obtain information at a lower cost with regard to time. They also get information that is up-to-date, and from a wide scope. This is because topics such as education, commerce, religion, politics, or even medicine can be accessed on the internet. Thus, allowing students to access and conduct research through the internet aids their learning. As students conduct research in the internet, they also gain skills on how they too can share their own media or critique work done by others; which helps students to participate in their own knowledge of

Monday, November 18, 2019

Tourism policy assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Tourism policy assignment - Essay Example The first step is to understand the socio-economic framework (or development philosophy) within which the industry operates. To this end, what is the underlying philosophy that governs the development of tourism in your policy area Why is it necessary to have this information when devising policy (Please provide the diagram and the explanation.) The west London tourism policy is developed keeping in view of the developing the overall standards of the society. The global slump in the tourism industry due to a series of issues like the 9/11,the Sars and mad cow diseases has created new challenges and decreased the tourist inflow both domestic and international. The increase in competition between nations has poised new challenges for tourism development in UK. The national authorities have had a daunting task of locating the regional vide inequalities in the services and infrastructure. The centre immediate challenge is to extract various local concerns and develop or encourage a regional policy for individual policy development. The West London tourism development being one of the major aspect of tourism development has created an interest. The key developments like the population growth, the decrease in the manufacturing jobs, the increase in the demand for the services and business functional job have create new challenges. The growing population are in need of infrastructure which is an essential component of the tourism development. The more and more shopping facilities and other amenities create an ideal ambience for a distinct life style. The decentralization of the governance and providing more representation will open up new opportunities. The authorities had highlighted some key factors that could be most influential in making the West London as a renowned tourist organisation. The west London tourism organisation having important tourism and sports facilities had to capitalize on the events like Olympics lined up in the future. The U K tourism department in line with global demands has evolved a strategic policy to chart out various tourism enhancing initiatives for various affiliated tourism governing bodies . The key factors are the enhancing the economy in the west London region Creating a congenial atmosphere in West London Enhancing the living standards of the people and encouraging the social equality among the residents. The West London tourism policies support the national vision of enhancing the value of the tourism in London and in UK and create a prosperous society with overall socio-economic

Friday, November 15, 2019

Evolution of Electronic Games

Evolution of Electronic Games From today’s point of view, first video games would be completely uninteresting to today’s users. First video game stimulation appeared in 1952 and then in 1958 called Tennis for Two. In 1970’ s, only few people owed computers but the future for video games were visible. In 1972, the first video game console begin to sell and the home computer market started to grow. In that period of time, people like Steve Jobs, Apple founder, were making computers with hands and were selling them to start their own business. In 1984, a first game home console was produced by Nintendo in Japan. In the few following years few thousands games were made for that system. During the 1980- s, personal computer sale grew and with that online games started to develop. Trough the 1990 s and with the Internet development, a true influence and video games development started to be felt. But commputer games started to be mainstream with appearance of the shooter genre. Online games were gaining more and more popularity with the rise of the Internet as a media. Even portable game systems with inchargable catridges advanced the technological improvement. What indicated the first video games invention? How did the evolution of video games developed? What is a home console? What to discuss: Vocational teacher should encourage learners to develop a class based discussion about the rise of the first computer games. 21st-Century Computer Gaming as a Niche Market What to say: From the 2000’ s, personal computer games put the focus on producing specialized computers made only for gaming, but those were highly expensive. But nevertheless, much cheaper game consoles continued to develop. In 2003, Nokia made N-Gage, a gadget which should sublimate mobile phones and video games but it didn’t have a huge success. No Apple is dominant in the industry which made it a part of our every day’s lives. Although, traditional portable gaming is evolving as well. Nintendo plans to improve gaming platforms by adding the 3 D graphics with the hope that it will be profitable for the gaming market. Today, video games market is increasing and online games continue to develop. Console game market involves the same three companies which were current in the past ten years, like Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. What to ask: What does your own experiences tell you about the history of video games? Did you feel the effects of marketing campaigns directed at you or those around you? What games do you find appealing and why? Influential Contemporary Games Video games are evolving constantly and the line between art and video games became blur. There are also people who are more focused on developing virtual realities than real life skills. Video games also gained economical success and made a huge impact on culture. Playing computer game has numerous possibilities like doing repetitive tasks or making a real world living. To some of the players, the goal might be to improve the character and for others making profit or role playing. But other side of the coin sais that video games are filled with violence, sex and brutality which are impacting the society and culture. Some people are just playing and others are living the imaginary world of video games. What to ask: Which video gae that you know can have an impact on social, technological or cultural sphere? Which new games changed the video games as a media? What effect do the video games have on culture? Video Games influence on Culture What to say: As they developed, video games as a powerful media started to influence culture trough education, films, music and other forms of media. But in order to really understand the video games phenomenon, it is needed to understand its developing process. From 1980’ s until now, children are spending more and more time playing video games and often identifying themselves with the characters associated with the games. Some video games characters became cultural icons because of that kind of popularity. It is a fact that the impact of video games is present in almost all social layers and one of it is called geek-sub culture. Geeks are often young people who aren’t fitting the idea of being fashionable so they choose virtual world over the real one. But since the culture became more geek, the geeks became more trendy. Vocational teacher should explain to the learners numerous ways that video games are affecting culture and other media. What to ask: Can you describe gaming culture? Try to analyze the ways video games have reflect on other forms of media. Do you know that video games can be used in educational purposes? What to discuss: Do you think that the impact of video games on culture is positive or negative? Explain your answer. Video Games and Other Medias What to say: At first video games used other medias as film, books and television shows for inspiration and gaining publicity, but ever since the 80’ s, the tables turned. Even now, cartoons, comics, films and other medias are using video games as a part of their programme. Video games adaptation level rises and investors are following the new trend by investing large amount of money in a video games. But video games includes some elements of films now, such as music, actors, game designers and directors. At first, music which accompanied video games were made out of computer beeps put in some rhythm, but Nintendo and Sony used sample audio recordings in their video games. That was a huge benefit for the music industry. Not much after, many musician were asked to allow their famous songs to become a part of a video games. They were pay for it and it was mutually beneficial because wide range of people would hear their music. Other phenomena are bands (Japanese) who are making music only for video games. But the link between video games and other media got stronger so new things like machinima were born out of it. That is a new form of media which uses characters which are not animated inside the games. Vocational teacher should explain to the learners the impact that video games are having on other medias and the various ways of their cooperation’s. What to discuss: Discuss the different ways of mutual beneficence of video games and other medias. What to ask: Video Games and Education I Video Games as Art– dva u jednom naslov ramotriti What to say: A sure sign that video games became mainstream is that they are used more and more for educational purposes. Even in the 80’ s, specific video games were formed to improve children grammar and mathematics skills. It is a fact that children are learning more easily trough game and the goal was and still is to help them develop analytical skills. Military accepted video games as well in order to train soldiers. Now days, video games as a part of educational system are validated by educational institutions and there are many sites including British Council who are using it as a part of an educational platform. But there still are some scepticism where some aren’t agree on that but the time will give the right answer on it. Other thing is that some are debating are video games art or not. Although many designers are working on them, and technological development improves it. Vocational teacher should explain to the learners benefits of using video games as a part of educational programme and its characteristics. Vocational teacher should also explain why video games are considered to be an art form. What to ask: How video games became a part of educational system? Are video games art? Explain your opinion. What to discuss: Vocational teacher should encourage the learners to develop a class discussion about pros and contras on the question: How are video games useful in education? Are video games a new form of art? Violence and Video Games Addiction What to say: Technological development opened the door for making more plastic design for video games. Graphic capabilities and realistic design are drawing players to identify themselves more to a fictional character from a video game. The wave of crime scenes, violence and other adult themes are inevitable part of most of the video games content which weren’t made for children but which are easily accessible. Studies are showing the connection between the crime rate and video games, and other are defending the attitude that most of the people who commit crime are already mentally ill and that video game was only a trigger like any other can be. The fact is that relation exists. Other thing is that video games are creating addiction and games overuse. That is mainly related to online games and role play games, but also with one player game. There are many departments around the globe which are treating this disorder. Vocational teacher should give full explanation to the learners about the consequences of misusing the video games. Violence and addiction are very serious problems and many are struggling to fight with it. All the reasons for inspiring the violence and getting addiction problems should be explained. What to ask: What are the controversial related to the contemporary design of video games? Do you think that video games are encouraging violence? What is your opinion about the video games addiction? Explain it. What to discuss: Discuss the video games addiction problem within the class with a support and guidance of your vocational teacher. Video Games the way of communication What to say: Video games has developed a new way of communication engaging the skills and principles within a creation of a social space. Virtual world of video games is created as a social platform with new ways of making communication between the players possible. Video games are also a part of social networks where people can communicate with each other while playing a game. Vocational teacher should explain to the learners how the video games are making and allowing new ways of communication. What to ask: How can you relate video games with and new way of communication? Have you ever communicate to some other player while playing a video game? Describe the impression, its pros and contras (if any). What to discuss: Discuss the phenomenon of new communication system within the video games. Recap What to say: Vocational teacher should explain how video games allow previously marginalized groups to enjoy new social status, how video games helped better learning, the importance of the rise of Internet in video games technology, latest trends in video games development, aesthetic values of video games, and addiction and violence problem. What to ask: Which first companies helped developing video games and when? What are the three innovations which brought into the video games in order to attract new audience? When do you think video game use becomes an addiction? Give an example of the ways in which virtual worlds can be used in education. What to discuss: Explain how the video games expanded as a form of media and how it affected the culture. Discuss it on a class based discussion with the assistance of the vocational teacher. Pick a type of media, such as film or books, and analyze the ways that video games have affected it.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Existence Of God Essay -- essays research papers

The Existence of God   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ever since I can remember, I have believed in God. I had always thought that he existed in a way that we did not understand and or can not comprehend, and that is spiritually (Almighty). I have always thought that it would be impossible to prove/disprove God's existence (solely based on the spiritual aspect), because if he is the almighty then he can come and go as he sees fit (be seen and unseen as he sees fit, too). There has been a lot that has happened to me, not only in spiritual essences, but also in a physical essence that strengthened my beliefs that God exists. Call it social conditioning, that I have this belief, but my family and friends all have the same belief. Even after the class (First course in philosophy) has ended I am no more clear whether God exist (in a physical manner) or does not (at all). Since I have grown up in the belief that God exists (which has not brought on any harm), then I shall go with what I believe in and state that he does ex ist. Evidence that he does exist is not needed, for this is like a court case you are innocent until proven guilty. So with this in mind, he exist until you can prove his non-existence. Although there are many arguments to disprove his existence none are solid proof. Just like there are many arguments to prove his existence that lack physical proof, too. With this all in mind I will argue that the, so-called, evidence of his existence out ways that of his non-exist...

Sunday, November 10, 2019


In all, If you have the available finances to cover the start-up costs, Snap Fitness Is a great opportunity to become your own boss. The company has put in place many different Owning a Curves franchise is another fitness business that is relatively inexpensive to start-up. Much the same as Snap Fitness, they offer support from the beginning of the process. Starting with an application, an entrepreneur is provided with support in selecting the best financing options, location selection and promotional activities. The financial requirements are $15-45,000 in liquid capital and a minimum net worth of $75,000.The startup costs are as low as $39,900 and include the franchise ownership, equipment (excluding shipping costs) and training. This particular fitness center has the ability to provide service in small areas helping to keep fixed costs down while being convenient and affordable. Another benefit to this Franchise is the ability to cater to the clientele. Curves is providing fitness activities as well as meal replacement bars, accessories and apparel. There is a multipurpose mix, which provides multiple ways to benefit the customer. With the multiple products and proven success in the industry, Curves is a smart start-up.

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom American Japanese National Discrimination in the Novel No-No Boy

buy custom American Japanese National Discrimination in the Novel No-No Boy The Novel No-No Boy by John Okada Abstract The paper is a book report of the novel No-No Boy by John Okada. This is the only novel written by the author, which was published in 1957. It depicts the aftermaths of the Second World War for Japanese Americans and consequences of the main characters decision not to join the US army. However, the question remains open: who is the biggest traitor: people who renounce their country of origin or the ones who choose to remember it and not associate the government with the cultural heritage. The whole political situation does not leave an option but to betray. One way or another, people betray either their own moral principles or conscience or their close people; either their country of origin or the government of the country they live in. The main character just tries to be loyal to basic human values in this mayhem. Thus, there is a moral search of main characters, the author himself and the whole nation at the background of social and historical events of the Second World War and the social position of Japanese Americans in the USA.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Given the deterioration of a common sense of Ameri Essays

Given the deterioration of a common sense of Ameri Essays Given the deterioration of a common sense of American identity and the bitter polarization in politics, we need a nationally unifying figurehead who can transcend politics and represent all Americans. The solution I suggested is to separate the position of head of state from head of government, as is done in many democracies. The king can remain the chief executive, as provided for by the Founding Fathers, and fully indulge in his elbow-throwing political nature. A new position, which I labeled "First Citizen," would take on all non-constitutionally mandated activities, such as meeting other heads of state for social purposes, speaking at national tragedies and national celebrations, and the like. The First Citizen would have no executive authority of any kind. The real thrust of my article was to explore a different path, perhaps a counterintuitive one, to a more limited conception of the president, and in a symbolic way inculcate the spirit of smaller government. From one perspective, such a change seems minor and unnecessary. Even if the country did agree to the position of First Citizen, what would it matter? A new face presiding over a few ceremonies, welcoming a Super Bowl champion, pardoning some Thanksgiving turkeys, and the like. That's surely irrelevant to the issues of the day, and couldn't possibly be the solution to our governing challenges. Or could it?

Monday, November 4, 2019

Interpersonal effectiveness - Negotiation theme Research Paper

Interpersonal effectiveness - Negotiation theme - Research Paper Example Informal negotiations are dialogue processes that take unstructured formula. It can be execute by the parties themselves under common agreement. It is crucial in finding solutions to internal or low profile conflicts that affect individuals. As noted by scholars for negotiations to yield best results the parties involved must exhibit realistic ideals, they must set reasonable, specific and attainable demands. This is to facilitate the development of amicable resolution with the capacity to satisfy the parties. Indeed, negotiation skills are fundamental in managing conflicts of the diverse nature and restoring mutual relationship. This is crucial especially with the increased challenges that affect individuals at a personal level or in organizational settings. It is imperative to note that negotiation is an effective and diplomatic way of finding viable solutions to various issues of contention between constrained parties (Harvard Business School, 278). It has been used in finding solutions in diverse settings of different nature that include political, social, economic and working relationship issues, for example, in Wal-Mart company. Companies are encouraged to initiate effective dialogue with their stakeholders when issues of dispute of arise. This is to facilitate the development of sustainable resolutions that are acceptable to all parties and that restores confidence. This paper discusses negotiation as an aspect of interpersonal effectiveness with Wal-Mart Company being under study. As noted, negotiation is a dialogue process that occurs between two or more parties with an intention of resolving or managing evident conflict that may compromise performance. Negotiations take place in business, non-profit making institutions and government bodies. The main aim of negotiation is engage the conflicting parties purposely to understand their positions or needs

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business Communication Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Business Communication - Coursework Example The message represents the actual information to be passed to the recipient. It is usually dependent on the source idea and is designed to meet the desires of the audience. Encoding is a process that involves the conversion of the message into an appropriate transmission form. The form of communication is dependent on the transmission medium. The channel is the means through which communication transpires (Verderber, 2010). It is the path through which a message is sent to the recipient from the sender without making alterations on it. The channel may vary from a paper to a radio or an email. The receiver is the party for which the message is intended. The recipient employs the channel to receive communication from a transmitter. Decoding refers to the process of interpreting the message passed. The recipient analyzes the message to facilitate internalization. Feedback refers to the relay of a response to the sender of a message by a recipient (Verderber, 2010). Communication is an unending process. Interruption of the process may cause emptiness in the system. Interpersonal communication has to be continued. In the circular interaction, an invariable response is made which provokes a reaction. The message relayed through communication channels is usually irreversible. It cannot be changed once transmitted. Effective communication may be deterred by various barriers to communication. First, lack of eye contact hinders effective communication. John stuck glued to the computer while conversing with Yum. This hindered the efficiency of communication. John employed an unfamiliar term to Yum while passing his message. This contributed immensely to ineffective communication since Yum could not interpret the message. John showed disinterest in what Yumi was trying to put across.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Plea bargaining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Plea bargaining - Essay Example However, if the criminal knows he will most likely be pleading guilty to a lesser crime than the crime he is committing, the punishment for the lesser crime might not be enough to prevent him from committing it. While I agree that it is certainly true that many criminals will get away with a lesser charge, I think the harm caused by this is mitigated by the fact that more guilty criminals will be convicted. This is because it seems that someone who knows they are guilty is likely to accept a lesser charge, even if there is a possibility they will be acquitted. The second issue has to do with the concern that innocent people will plead guilty to lesser crimes. Although the defendant may know he is innocent, instead of maintaining this position, he may feel coerced into accepting the plea bargain. The innocent person may feel it’s not worth the risk to face the greater charge, and feel almost forced to plead guilty to a charge he never committed. I agree this is a serious moral issue, for if large amounts of people are pleading guilty to crimes they did not commit, then the credibility of our justice system is undermined. Despite moral criticisms plea bargains continue to play a key role in our justice system. Prosecutors still often benefit from the ability to get more convictions, while defense attorneys benefit from being able to get their clients a better deal. Perhaps more regulation needs to be provided to prevent coercion of innocent people. It’s doubtful though, that plea-bargaining will ever be eliminated from our legal system completely, and it will likely remain

Monday, October 28, 2019

Religion and Corruption in Nigeria Essay Example for Free

Religion and Corruption in Nigeria Essay In the constitution of our nation religion feature prominently at the very beginning. I the preamble to the 199 constitution, it is affirmed and solemnly resolved that we intend to live in hrity and harmony as one indivisible and in dissolvable fevereigh nation under God. Indeed the overwhelming mighty of Nigerian are religions people we believe in the supremacy of God, we believe that God is the very basis of our individual lives and our corporate existence. We believe in and relate with supernatural realities through prayers and supplications and through the offering of sacrifices find churches, musgus shrines and Sunday prayer houses everywhere in the land we take part in crusades, worship sessions and might rights, we offer sacrifices and observe fasting days and religions holidays, and we so in large numbers on religion is pilgrimages to Jerusalem and mecca, taking pride in being called Jerusalem pilgrims (JP) or Alhaji throughout our lives. While thee is noticeable decline in religion farour in may parts of the world to lay the religion inter praise seem to thrive very much in Nigeria, as more and more company ware houses private buildings, schools, and our spirit stadia are being courted to prayer arena, and the stadia hort more religion crusades than for spiriting events. It is noticeable that street within our town and villages as well as inter-state highways are often blocked these days by enthusiastic worshippers who flock to church and camp meetings. It is not and exaggeration to state that there are as many churches and Mosques as there are streets in our urban areas. According to Norimitsa Onishi in an article in new York times march 13,2002 â€Å"Christianity is growing faster in sub-Saharan Africa than in any other place on earth. Roman Catholicism and the other Major protestant denomination are gaing mine follows everyday, but new churches are leading the boom. Within this religion firmament, bishops, evangelists pastors, prophet, faith leaders and visionaries, as well as sheikhs, mams and gurus of all sorts are swelling in number and having a failed day in recent past a new dimension has been added to the throwing religions enterprise. And this is the increased patronage of high ranking public official who not openly call for and sponsm regular prayers sessions in different churches and prayer houses have themselves become born again Christians and prayer erchants, often appearing at church crusades and prayer vigils with all the paraphernalia of public office and sometimes grabbing the microphone to render sanctiononion homilies and earthshaking prayers. Also worthy of note is that these days prayer and preaulims sessions are no longer limited to churches, Mosques and homes, but they are held in government offices, in commercial buses, corporate boardrooms and in open markets. Nigerian going about their daily businesses are seen brandishi ng the Bible Wkoran, the Rosary or Islamic prayer beads. The langeil bill boards in our town and cities are those colvertising upcoming religions crusades are faith healing carnivals. The exclamations, to God be the glory, praise the Lord, the Lord is God, Bless you, â€Å" and Alaahu wa K’bar,† are often on the lips of Nigeria at worker at play from the exacted members of the National Executive council or Council of State to the young own who are about to sick common entrance examination. Succinctly put from all outward indication Nigerians are a chronically religions people. Unarguably one can perrps say about there is no nation in the modem world unit as muner religiosity as contemporary Nigerian . Now how do you place the religion piety of Nigeria with the endemic corruption in our society ? With all the show of religiosity one would have expected to see a very high degree of social morality in Nigeria, since all world religions generally promote truth, justice, honesty and probity. But this is a reverse case withy us. The is an embarrassing contradiction between the high ethical demands of the religion profess by majority of Nigerian and the phenomenon of corruption greed and graft that has earned our country one of the most corrupt nation in the world. Some observes of the phenomenon actually say that corruption is so endemic in the Nigeria society that the society economic and political system can almost not tinetion without it. Along side religiosity corruption in its many shapes and sizes is becoming in Nigeria- from the petty bribery taken in the work in the office or the policeman at the check point, to the grand corruption by which huge project contract are hurriedly awarded, not for the sake of common good, but because of the greed awarding official, who requires some money via contract â€Å"kick-baiks† The Nigeria society is prevalence with frauct, thievery and roguery even as our environment is a wash with prayers and ritual sacrifices to the God of truth, justice and holiness. Doesn’t it seen a contradictory to many highly placed Nigeria hat they embezzle and misappropriate stupendous amounts of public and company, and even church funds while at the same time trying to occupy the front seats and even struggle or pray to take religion titles in their churches corruption is so perverse that it has infiltrated every facet of the Nigeria society procure medical certificates of fitness from hospitals when they have not undergone any medicate testy obtain sick leave permits from doctors when they hale and hearty, falsify the age of their children obtain fake certificate in order to gel them to school or obtain jobs for them, routinely swear to false affidavit in order to obtain false age declarations when seeking employment etc. it is a statement or fast that many or those who today and drivers licence have never been to a drawing school. They simply pay for the license and declare themselves drivers thereby putting the lives of genuine drivers into jeopa rdy. Many of our country men who flock our churches on Sundays and fill the mosque on Fridays are constantly involve in such fraudulent activities as evading tax, issuing and obtaining of take receipts, over invoicing and under –invoicing importation of take drugs, petty and large scale bribery, take anclit report, adverse fee frond, ete. All these practices are so common place so inside spread that many Nigerian youths can not decipher between good eril or between what is right and wrong. As a result, corruption in Nigeria has been described as system, and the consequence are legion corruption has bred in efficiency and diminished productivity in both the public and private sectors of the economy. It has discourage investment, fuelled capital flight, increased unemployment and inflation, created and acute degree of poverty, brought about a severe decline in the quality of life and life expectancy in Nigeria and given Nigeria and Nigeria a terribly bad image in the cornity of Nations. Infant corruption is an affront on human dignity and an assault on the human conscience apart from being a negation of the Christian rocation to promote holiness and righteousness in the world. Are they truly Christians? This question is pertinent and fundamental because many of our people who engage in the sharp practices enumerated above would like to be seen as pious Christians. But really are they? Do they really know the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of holiness and righteousness, who in Leviticus 19:2 says† be holy for the Lord am holy† Do they really know the God of Moses and Joshua who on mount Siriat presented the ten commandment as the tempt of his contract with him people insisting that fidelity to this ethical code is what will distinguish his people from others? Do Nigerian who claim to worship God, but who at the same time offer and take bribe, defraud, evade tax and circumvent justice know the God of Mosses who in Exodus 22:8 says â€Å" You will accept no bribes, for a bribe blinds the clear sighted and is the cause of the ruin of the upright. Do they know the God of the prophets who in Isaiah 33:15 says that the person who will be qualified to be in his presence is the one who â€Å"acts uprightly and speaks honestly, who scorns to be rich by extortion, who rejects bribes out of hand, who refuses to listen to plan involving bloodshed and shuts his eyes rather than countenance crime. Do Nigerian worshippers who make a daily show of their religiosity known that what the Lord truly require of us is to love terekerly, to do justice and to work humbly by me God (Micah6:8 John the Baptist while preparing for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ crudemned the kind of religion that thrives side by side with corruption as empty ritualism. In his addrer to those who gathered to listen to him, amongst whom were solders and tax collectors, he admonished â€Å"Exalt no more than the appointed rate†¦ No intimidation. No Excntinu be content with your pay† Luke 3:13-14. Jesus himself denounced the kind of religions practice that was not matched by high moral and ethical standards in realize that not all those who claim to be Christians will enter the kingdom of heaven but only those who do the will of the father Mathew 5. This Christianity make no room for crooks and fraudsters. It has no place for those who offered take bribes. Genuine Christianity does not accommodate the cnetire of â€Å" settlement† in Nigeria to day. Therefore, faced with the contradiction and the embarrassment of a booming Christianity in the most of an environment that stinks with corruption and indiscipline, one is poise to conclude that what is spreading like wildfire in contemporary Nigeria is not genuine Christianity at all, but a masc movement with elements of Christian ritualism, one that is in large measure shallow, superficial, noisy and devoid of substance and depth. Popular Christianity in Nigeria is often Materialistic and individualistic in orientation, with an in credibly high sense of devotion to the cult of material and physical prosperity, success and healing, and with little or no attention at all given to the social morality of the believing persons.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

School Uniforms Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Schools today aren't in the best condition. There is teasing, violence, discrimination, cliques, and poverty. There is much to say about how having mandatory school uniforms will help these problems. My question is, will uniforms help these problems enough to dismiss the hurt that they would cause? I say the uniforms do little to help.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Having uniforms would stop the teasing and discrimination about clothing, but there is more to tease or discriminate someone about rather than just clothing. Such as hygiene, looks, personality, intelligence, race, and the list goes on. So unless people somehow find a way to be perfect in everyone's opinion, teasing and discrimination won't stop.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As for violence, it's the same story. Uniforms would only stop the smallest percentage. In some ways uniforms actually make violence less preventable by eliminating one major warning sign. For example the black trench coats that were worn in by the murderers at Colorado's Columbine High School shooting. Of course I'm not saying we should arrest anyone who wears a trench coat, but the way that someone dresses can say a lot about their personality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If you're thinking that uniforms will end symbols of being in a gang such as gang colors, think about how many other ways that a gang member could symbolize that they were in a gang such as rolling up your sleeve or leaving out the tag on y...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay on Sophocles Antigone :: Antigone essays

In ancient Greece, men who died in war fulfilled the civic ideal to the utmost.   The women, destined to live out a degrading life, died in bed.   Certainly, not all men died in battle, but every epitaph shows in one way or another, the city would always remember the men who died in war.   Additionally, not all Athenian women died in bed; nonetheless, it was left to her family to preserve the memory of her not the city.   No matter how perfect a woman was she would never receive the same status or level of social expectations from the city that a man received. No accomplishments were allowed beyond living a life of motherhood and submissiveness to a man, namely her husband.   In fact, in early Greece, women were typically viewed as subservient to men, submissive in their actions, and of a status only slightly above slaves; however, Antigone was not your typical Greek woman.   Many ancient Greek Philosophers have written and expressed their views on women’s’ status in ancient Greece.   One author, Sophocles, wrote plays about how you cannot escape fate, because the Gods give fate and men cannot escape what the Gods decide. Sophocles shows his case in point, that human laws can destroy a city, using Antigone as a noticeable illustration to show his points.   Pericles according to the author Thucydides has hardly anything to say about women, but when he does, it is in a demeaning statement.   Socrates never says anything in reference to women, but more to society in a whole.   Finally, Sappho’s writings have been threatened to be destroyed because of her indifferent views towards women and how she portrayed them.   In the play Antigone, Sophocles stretches the role of a woman. There is a battle between what is right and laws of Gods or laws of man.   Sophocles places Antigone in this fight against her Uncle Creon.   Antigone stands up for ancient law and Creon stands up for man’s law.   Creon voices his opinion on how he feels about women in ancient Greece.   Creon states â€Å"We must defend the men who live by law, never let some woman triumph over us.   Better to fall from power, if fall we must, at the hands of a man – never be rated inferior to a woman, never.† (Pg. 77 – line 755-762)   Antigone, with her sharp tongue, challenges Creon with what she feels is right  Ã‚   â€Å"It wasn’t Zeus, not in the least, who made this proclamation – not to me.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Platos Influence in Western Culture Essay

Plato (429-347 B. C. E) is seen by many as one of the greatest philosophers of the classical period, if not of all time. Coming from a wealthy Athenian family it is the belief that he followed and further developed philosophy from his mentor Socrates. His first works are seen as the most trust-worthy accounts of Socrates life, and after his death Plato would continue to develop Socrates works with the help from Plato’s most famous student, Aristotle. During this time Plato would develop his most famous work The Republic. This would notably, along with many of his later works, blend his ideas of politics, ethics, psychology, and metaphysics into an interlinked philosophy. Plato’s dialogues present much of the idea’s founded and developed by the trio, especially in one of his most famous dialogues, The Apology of Socrates Trial. It is from these experiences that with the help of his teacher Socrates and his student Aristotle, Plato would develop the philosophical foundations of Western culture. When asked to define the philosophical style of Plato most people would be quick to label him as a political philosopher, this is due to his views on social implication and the idea of an ideal state or government. Plato was an elitist political thinker in the fact that he said that only those with reason, experience and wisdom should govern. The way he put it was: â€Å"Until philosophers rule as kings or those who are now called kings and leading men genuinely and adequately philosophize, that is, until political power and philosophy entirely coincide, while the many natures who at present pursue either one exclusively are forcibly prevented from doing so, cities will have no rest from evils,†¦ nor, I think, will the human race. † By saying this Plato re-enforces his thought that only those with great wisdom should become leaders and politicians. His belief was that cities will remain evil and tyrant until their current kings either began to think and philosophize, or philosophers were to take rule over the kingdom. Plato’s theory was that these new superior leaders would be seen as â€Å"those who love the sight of truth. † And from this they would then create a perfect city much like the one which he outlined in The Republic, which begins with the city being run by an aristocracy, whose virtue is wisdom, lacks honour and because of this gets replaced by a militant government, which had the virtue of honour but also has the vice of poverty. This too is then overthrown by an elitist group whose wealth corrects the poverty of former militant government but also brings the vice of greed. The elitists are once again replaced by an elected democracy whose vision of equality and fairness corrects the former greed but brings the mistake of to much freedom resulting in anarchy. Finally, the movement of democracy brings forth the order of a tyranny, which establishes peace through cruelty and oppression. It is from this cycle of inevitable and more disturbingly logical political change that Plato disliked the idea of democracy, stating that the average person is selfish, envious and stupid, which leads democracy to be highly corruptible and can cause it to open gates to potential dictators. Democracy was seen as a government dependant on chance which for success must be mixed with competent leadership. The belief was that to run a state a government politicians needed expert rulers and not an average unintelligent citizen who may be elected in by accident. A political decision needs good judgement and because of this leaders must be carefully selected and prepared by means of extensive training. Because of this theory Plato would influence Aristotle, the English constitution and the founding fathers of America to develop a mixed republic that combines democracy, aristocracy and kingship. After the death of Socrates Plato returned to Athens and from there founded a school knows as the Academy, which is where we get the English word â€Å"academic† from and still to this day call institutes of higher learning â€Å"academies†. It was around 387 B. C. E in which Plato bought land outside of Athens to set up his school of philosophy there, which many see as the Western world’s first university. The aim of this academy was to train future politicians of Greek states, and studies focused primarily on philosophy and mathematics. The academy would continue to educate for more than 900 years after its founding even surviving the Roman invasion on Greece in 146 BCE, eventually though the academy would close when the Christian Emperor Justinian closed it in 529 A. D. Later though in Florence sometime during the mid-15th century the â€Å"Accademia Platonica† would be formed by a group of scholars who met under the Platonic philosophy professor Marsilio Ficino, to discuss philosophy and the study of classical politics. Finally in 1926 a modern academy of Athens would be built and labelled as Greece’s national academy. Staying true to its original routes to this day the academy still focuses on the study of humanities and science. It is from this initial establishment of his original academy that the legacy was able to pass on through hundreds of years to the point where the tradition is still alive to this date. Had it not been for Plato’s founding of the academy, the education process would most likely be very different than from that of which it is as we know it today. In Plato’s last and longest work entitled the Laws, he begins by asking â€Å"Who is given credit for laying down the laws? † As opposed to his earlier work in the Republic, which focused on what the best possible state might be like and what experiences and adjustments must be made to achieve that status, the Laws rather focuses on the idea of creating a practicable, yet ideal form of government in a much more realistic way than the former. The characters in this work deal with designing rules to meet â€Å"real world† problems and human affairs. Unfortunately though, the dialogue went unfinished at 345 pages at the time of Plato’s death in 347 B. C. E. The incomplete work of the Laws was still able to outline many questions and themes including, divine revelation, divine law and lawgiving; the role of intelligence in lawgiving; the relations of philosophy, religion, and politics; the role of music, exercise and dance in education; natural law and natural right just to name a few. Once again it was because of Plato’s teaching of his theory’s and publication of his dialogue’s that this theory was also able to spread so quickly through Western culture and even play a role in the way we choose laws to this date. Overall it appears that without Plato’s influence and writings the Western world and it’s culture would have been drastically different from what is the current norm in society. Political structure, academic education and formation of laws would all be heavily affected to the point in which many key things that one would see vital in today’s society may not even exist such as the use of a constitution or an academic university, since it was Plato who established and helped spread the development of such institutions. With Socrates and Aristotle, Plato not only helped develop the foundation of Western culture, but he steered it down the right path as well.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Preposition Review ESL Lesson Plan

Preposition Review ESL Lesson Plan Prepositions are a challenge for almost all students. There are many reasons for this, not least of which is the fact that English has numerous phrasal verbs. In this case, theres little to do except to encourage consistency and the ability to listen carefully to mistakes made. In any case, there are a few activities teachers can undertake to help students learn basic differences. Aim: Develop recognition of similar preposition use through contrast in written exercise, review of prepositionsActivity: Discussion of similar prepositions followed by a written exerciseLevel: Intermediate Outline Take a few objects into the class, such as a model car, an apple, etc. Use simple sentences to help the class understand the differences between in/into, out/out of, etc. using the propositions.Give the students some of the objects and encourage them to come up with their own sentences, especially focusing on the finer differences between the prepositions discussed.Discuss some of the basics using the preposition checklist below. Ask students to come up with exceptions such as in the morning, afternoon, and evening but at night.  Pass out the handout and ask students to get into pairs to work through the short exercise.Correct worksheet as a class and discuss problems  or questions.Repeat first activity to help reinforce learning. Preposition Checklist Use to with verbs of movement.  She drove to the store./He walked to the park.Use at with places within a city with verbs that do NOT express movement.  Ill meet you at the shopping mall./I like to relax at home on the weekend.Use on with surfaces, both horizontal and vertical.  Thats a beautiful picture on the wall./I like the vase on the table.Use into, out of and onto to express movement from one place to another.  She drove out of the garage./Please put the keys onto the table.  Use in with months, years, cities, states, and countries.  She lives in San Diego./I will see you in April.Use at with times of the day. Lets meet at five oclock./I want to begin the meeting at two.   A Strange Noise in the Night Worksheet It was late (at/in) night when I heard the noise. I got (out of/outside) bed and decided to investigate. First, I went (into/in) the living room and kitchen. Everything seemed to be OK in those rooms. Then I heard the noise (again/over). It was coming from (out/outside), so I put (on/off) my jacket, opened the door and went (into/out of) the backyard. Unfortunately, I had forgotten to (pick up/in) a flashlight on my way (inside/out) the door. It was a dark night and there was a light rain falling. I couldnt see much, so I kept stepping (into/onto) things in the yard. The sound continued to repeat and was coming (over/from) the area (on/in) the other side (to/of) the house. I slowly walked (through/around) the house to see what was making the noise. There was a small table (in/on) the porch which was (next/near) to the wall. (On/To) top of this table was a bowl with some rocks (into/inside). A small mouse was trying to get (out/above) and was moving the rocks (around/through) the bowl making the noise. It was very strange, but now I could go back (in/to) sleep!

Monday, October 21, 2019

French Long Stay Visa and Residence Permit Application

French Long Stay Visa and Residence Permit Application If youre a United States citizen and want to live in France for an extended period of time, you will need a visa de long sà ©jour (long-stay visa) before you go- France will not let you into the country without it. You will also need a carte de sejour, a residence permit which you complete after you arrive in France. The following is a general overview of the process required by United States citizens to obtain long term residence in France. This information is derived from the exceptional amount of detail in English on the France-Visas website. Processes change and it is essential that you be au courant with the appropriate method, so plan to become familiar with France-Visas. The process is conducted in part online but it is a long one and can take weeks or months, and you may not be accepted the first time out. No matter what, France will not let you into the country without a proper visa, so dont buy your ticket until you have completed all the paperwork and have your visa in hand. Process and Function Basically, the long-stay visa is operationally equivalent to a Schengen visa- the visa used by residents of the 26 European states and members of the European Union that have officially abolished all passport and other border controls at their mutual borders. That means that with the visa you will be able to visit the 26 Schengen countries. There are some restrictions and some exceptions, depending in part on the purpose and length of your stay.   The visa and residence permit application process can vary not only due to different family and work situations but also based on where you apply. Beware of scams and unofficial websites: the official secure France-Visas portal is: The official list of U.S. VFS Global Centre locations- a third party service provider where you will have to go to submit your visa application- is: Do You Need a Long-Stay Visa?   In general, an American holding an ordinary passport who wishes to stay in France for a period between 90 days to a year will need a Visa de Long Sà ©jour acquired in advance. Exceptions include if you (or, if you are a minor, your parent) already hold a French residence permit or are a citizen of a European Union Member State. All visa requests must be entered online at the secure France Visas website- since you will be inputting personal information, be absolutely sure you are at the right website. The French government has created a Visa wizard so that if you have any doubts about whether you need one or not, use that.   Will You Also Need a Residence Permit? There are two types of long term visas: the visa de long sejour (VLS) and the visa de long sà ©jour valant titre de sà ©jour (VLS-TS). The VLS requires that you submit a request for a carte de sà ©jour (residence permit) within two months of your arrival in France; the VLS-TS is a combined visa and residence permit, which you must validate within three months of your arrival. They are both long term visas but they have administrative differences which are assigned to you by the French consulate. Either way, if you wish to stay beyond the one year limit, you must apply for a residence permit at your local prefecture in France. Categories of Long Stay Visas (VLS) There are four categories of long-stay visas, based on your purpose for going. The categories determine what supporting documentation you will require in advance, at the border, and in France, and any restrictions youll need to adhere to- such as whether you can work for pay while you are in the country.   The categories of purposes of a long-term stay are:   Tourism / private stay / hospital care: all of these purposes restrict you from working for pay.  Professional purpose: If you will be in France to work, you will need a professional visa regardless of whether you are an employee of a company, or self-employed. Youll have to describe the type of business you will conduct and, if you are in a profession that requires credentials such as doctors and teachers, you will need to prove that you meet French criteria to conduct that work.  Studies training: This category includes if you will be taking an advanced degree; if you want to learn French while working as a family assistant or an au pair; or if you want your minor child to study in a French school. You or your child may need to be officially enrolled before you go.  Family purpose: Youll need to provide the address, names, and nationality of your relatives in France, what your relationship to them is, and the reason for your stay.   Starting the Visa Process Once you have determined that you do need a visa, you can prepare your application online at the France-Visas portal, regardless of where you live in the United States. The online application form and you will be guided through the whole process by on-screen explanations. In order to save your form and print it out, youll have to create a personal account that includes your email address. Once you have finished, you will receive the list of required supporting documents required to the type of visa you have requested, and have the opportunity to book your appointment. All visas for France are ultimately reviewed by the French counsel in Washington DC, but first, youll have to appear in person at the VFS Global Centre for your region to get it submitted to DC. There are ten Global Centres in the United States- youll need to request an appointment through the France-Visas portal.   Submission Requirements   The specific documents you need will depend on your specific circumstances, but you will need a current passport, two recent identification photos in the  specific International Civil Aviation Organization (ISO/IECI) format, and whatever other documents (originals and a copy) are required because of your situation.   As of June 1, 2019, the legal requirements to successfully submit a visa are:   Your passport must be clean and in good condition, issued no more than 10 years ago, valid three months beyond your intended departure date from the Schengen Area, and with at least two blank pagesThe purpose and conditions of your stayDocuments and visas (if any) required by international conventions, which will depend on the circumstances of your visitProof of accommodation: either a hotel reservation or a form filled out by your hostEvidence of your financial ability to live in France: you must have proof that you can spend â‚ ¬65–120â‚ ¬ per day depending on where you will be housed and no less than â‚ ¬32.50 per day if youre staying with familyApproved insurance for medical and hospital expensesGuarantees of repatriationDocuments (if required) for the exercise of a professional activity2 recent photographs according to strict ISO/IECI specificsYour return ticket or the financial means to acquire one at the end of your stayNon-refundable application fee which is t ypically â‚ ¬99 ISO IEC restrictions on photographs which are acceptable for identification are quite specific. The photos must have been taken within the last six months, they must be about 1.5 inches (35-40 mm) in width. The image must be a closeup of your head and top of your shoulders, not too dark or light, your face must take up 70–80% of the photograph. It must be in sharp focus without shadows, you must be standing in front of a plain background, and the picture must not include another person. Dont wear heavy framed glasses, dont wear a hat- if you wear religious headgear your face must be clearly visible. Look at the camera and you can smile, but your mouth must be closed.  You will need several copies during the process. Submitting Your Application After you have filled out your form, you will be given an opportunity to set up an appointment at the VFS Global Centre for your regionbut you can also do it later. Request your appointment through the France-Visas portal.  Bring all of your original documents to the appointment, as well as at least one photocopy of each. The service provider at VFS will receive you, review your application, collect the visa fee, and capture your biometric data (a photo scanned or taken during your appointment, and ten individually-taken fingerprints). She or he will retain your passport and the copies of all your supporting documents in order to forward them to the consulate. You can track the progress of your application online at the France-Visas site; you will be notified when your documents are ready at the VFS Global Centre you applied at. On Arrival To enter France, you will need to offer the following documentation (at least) to the Border police: valid passport and visaproof of accommodationproof of sufficient financial meansyour return ticket or financial means to acquire oneany document providing details on your profession Unless you obtained a VLS-TS, the visa de long sà ©jour does not give you permission to live in France- it gives you permission to apply for the carte de sà ©jour. If your visa has the words carte de sà ©jour solliciter,† you do need to get a residence permit. Start that process within two months of your arrival, at the prefecture of your place of residence within two months of your arrival. If you live in Paris, you must report your presence to police headquartersif you live in another department, you must report to the prefecture or subprefecture of your department   Validate Your Residence Permit (VLS-TS) If you received a VLS-TS visa, you wont need a carte de sà ©jour, but you must validate it within three months of your arrival. While the process is completely online, you will need to provide the information on your long term stay visa, the date you arrived in France, your residential address in France, and your credit card to pay the required issuance fee or electronic stamp.